Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Assignment #1

The company that I decided to research about their reasons for success is Google. Google uses a “ground up” approach to employee empowerment that from what I read reminds me a lot of some of the characteristics of continuous improvement approaches such as the Toyota Production System (TPS). In an article entitled “Google's Secrets of Innovation: Empowering Its Employees” published in Forbes magazine it mentions multiple programs that are geared to “percolate” ideas upward. Internally they are referred to as “channels” and include Google Cafes, the ability to directly email company leaders, Google Moderator, Google+ conversations, TGIF (a weekly all hands meeting), Google Universal Ticketing Systems, Fixits, Internal innovation reviews, and multiple surveys. The reason that I draw a parallel between Google’s internal programs that drive their success and TPS is that when you look at any of the programs that Google uses individually they are an effective tool for employee empowerment which is also the driving force of TPS. When you look at the programs that Google has in place holistically it is easy to see how they have managed to create a culture that fosters innovation. It’s also important to note that most of these “channels” are effectively documenting tacit knowledge in addition to documenting new ideas and solving problems. In TPS, the organizational model is effectively inverted in that the people that actually do the jobs are involved in Kaizen events and are able to have direct involvement in the decision making process. It’s a formal process of tapping into the tacit knowledge and talent of all employees. What is interesting about Google's approach is that at face value the sheer number of “channels” may seem overwhelming or to be honest a little redundant but, when you think about it from the perspective of the individual some channels may be a better fit for an individual employee. When you think about the individual personalities within an organization having multiple avenues helps to pull in employees that may not participate in a single program.  
Google's Secrets of Innovation: Empowering Its Employees

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